callas software prepares for strong showing at PDF Days Europe 2022
- Publicado el 26 de Agosto de 2022
callas software, a leading provider of automated PDF quality assurance and archiving solutions, will be a Gold Sponsor at this year’s PDF Days Europe with a multi-pronged approach to its engagement. This will include three specialist presentations on the subjects of PDF/A conversion, variable data printing and new specifications from the Ghent Workgroup.
Most importantly, however, callas software will use the PDF Days Europe 2022 as an opportunity to present the new Version 14 of its pdfToolbox at a full-day workshop. The PDF Days Europe will be held on September 12-13, and the pdfToolbox 14 workshop will take place the following day at the Novotel Berlin Am Tiergarten.
Dietrich von Seggern, Managing Director at callas software said: “This year’s PDF Days Europe, which the PDF Association is finally able to make an in-person event once more, represents the perfect moment to present this major update to pdfToolbox. Those interested can learn all about current developments and trends relating to the Portable Document Format, as well as what’s new with pdfToolbox 14, all in the span of just three days.”
The new release of callas software’s flagship product includes a range of new options for variable data printing, optimized color conversion, more options for using JavaScript to dynamically generate checks and fixups and for impositions, and much more.
callas will host three specialist presentations at the main PDF Days Europe conference. First, on September 12 at 2:15 PM, Akash Choudhary, Product Manager at callas software, will report on his real-world experience and make a case for switching to PDF/A-2 or PDF/A-4. On September 13 at 11:00 AM, David van Driessche, Chief Technical Officer at callas partner Four Pees and Executive Director of the Ghent Workgroup, will discuss the GWG-2022 specifications and the impact they will have on graphic designers, printing houses and software providers.
Immediately afterwards at 11:45 AM, Dietrich von Seggern will host a presentation on variable data printing. Here, he will focus in particular on the challenges associated with creating and processing personalized PDF files for customer communication. The PDF Association recently published a best practices guideline on this subject, which Mr von Seggern will discuss in greater detail while also exploring its background.